Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Sad Farewell, My Summer Love!

(no worries-I'm not talking about another man!)

The affair may be over, or we may have a few last chances to meet before October 31st.

When I drive by your house after church, I can feel you calling me...

Sometimes I'm able to stop for a few minutes, and try to hide the evidence that we visited.  This isn't always easy to do because you live on a main road, and friends and family have to drive by your place on their way home!  What if they've seen my car at your place?  Well, if they have, they haven't said anything to  me.

I'm totally at bliss when I'm with you!  Nothing is as cool as you are! 

When winter comes along, I'll still drive by your place almost daily, but it will be with a saddened heart because you aren't there.  You haven't given me the details, but I suspect you are in Florida, or Hawaii, meeting other women who fall in love with you.


You aren't good for me anyway, so I really should just get over you, and not anticipate your return next summer.  But so far, I can't. 

Who cares if you just want my money?  I'm not a tightwad-I like to share!

Why should I worry if you hate my clothes-you still want ME, right?  I'll find bigger, better ones!

And last but not least, why should it bother me if you like to melt faster than I can consume you, dripping chocolate and ice cream all over my clothes repeatedly, nearly every time I visit you?

I LOVE you, small vanilla cone dipped in chocolate!  I will miss you!!! 

Are you trying to end our summer fling early?  I stopped to see you today and you weren't ready, so they made me take blue raspberry dip instead!

Do you think we can get together at least one last time?  I might not be able to visit with you next summer-what if I reform and change my ways???

In case we don't meet again this summer, I just want to say, it is with great sadness that I tell you, Goodbye, My Summer Love!  Goodbye little ice cream stand!!!


What will you miss about summer?

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