Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Photoman, Stuntman, Or Undercover Sniper/SWAT Guy?

Wow!  This has been such a busy and fun week, with more fun and busy-ness to come!

My brother Bryan came up to shoot a wedding with my daughter, and they did a FABULOUS job!  What a team!  We had intended on getting our family done as well, but I was so whooped!  It just never really came together and happened.  So!  Before the Memorial Day picnic today, we did at least get to have a fun photo shoot for Dan and me!  My brother was very willing-it was this old girl that ran out of steam.  When today rolled around, I barely saw my kiddos, so it was just Dan and me.  But it was a LOT of fun!

Bryan had us do several poses, and let me tell you, that man has MORE energy than I've had in YEARS!!!  He posed us on the ground, walking thru the yard, around a tree, on a rock, etc. 

Oops!  Dan got a little confused on the pose with the next shot.....

Bryan said he won't be putting his name on this one....

So anyway!  Since Bryan lives over 100 miles away, I think he may be keeping secrets from me! 

You should have seen how he balanced himself up on a piece of yardquipment (one of those roll bars that flattens the yard)---not to mention how he grabbed it and moved it. 

The leaps and the rolls on the ground, as if he was dodging bullets and enemies got me to thinking....

Is he REALLY some kind of stuntman or sniper?  I mean really, how can my OLDER brother MOVE so much more agile-y than me, so quickly, and use his trigger finger the whole time too? 

He's gotta be keeping some important infomation from me...

Maybe that was him I saw on the White House roof last year when I was in D.C....

He'll probably never confess.

(with my daughter Amber)