Thursday, December 29, 2016

One Word 2017

Are you joining in with the many others who will be choosing one word for 2017?

Haven't heard of this before?  Basically, you choose one word for the year, to use as your life focus. It's the popular replacement for New Year's resolutions.

What will yours be?

Even though it wasn't for the purpose of choosing one word for the year, not too long ago I decided that I'd like to focus on being an encouragement to others.  We can certainly use much of this in the day and age we live in.

It doesn't take much to pass on some encouragement to others:

A quick text to say you are thinking about someone

A card with a prayer or a few words of affirmation or appreciation

A small bouquet of flowers, or a small stuffed animal

Simple words of lifting someone up with a nice compliment or observation you have about them

A short visit to someone who you know is going through a difficult time

If I were to leave the world anytime soon, it would be a-okay with me to be remembered as one who lifted the spirits of another.

What word will, or would you choose, and how would you go about putting your word into action?

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